Event Schedule
*subject to change
2:00 PM
Doors Open
Resource Tables, Kids Activities, Vendors, Food Trucks, Silent Auction
3:10 PM
Prayer / Moment of Silence & Explanation of Interactive Polling
Who: Clinton Faupel
3:35 PM
Bare Knuckle Recovery and Captain Gerardot
3:50 PM
Wall of Remembrance with Two / Eight band
4:00 PM
Reclaim - our community
HART (Hope and Recovery Team)
4:15 PM
David Parnell,
Author of Facing the Dragon
5:00 PM
Final Words
3:00 PM
Open with Emcee on the stage (Resource tables close)
Emcee: Aisha Diss
3:15 PM
Our Story, Our Time
Two / Eight band
3:45 PM
Mary Collins
3:55 PM
Greg Andrews
4:05 PM
Wall of HOPE with Two / Eight band
4:45 PM
Rethink & Recognize
Murray Hunt and Jenny Westropp, Joe's Mom, and Two / Eight band
5:10 PM
Reopen & Resume
Resource Tables, Kids Activities, Vendors, Food Trucks, SIlent Auction, more Live Music with Two / Eight band
6:00 PM
Doors Close